Research scientists and consultants at the CSSR are here to help you with matters as simple as troubleshooting code to more complex statistical models and interpretation. The CSSR provides a full range of modeling and analysis services designed to enhance the quality of your research. The CSSR will assist in determining and implementing appropriate analytic frameworks, troubleshooting code problems, creating customized statistical models, and drafting methodological notes for inclusion in journal articles, books, and other publications.

Our expertise spans descriptive and inferential statistics with key capacities in data science techniques such as machine learning and advanced statistical learning. The CSSR has also developed a strong competency in text analysis and mining of unstructured data. CSSR staff have aided researchers at Notre Dame using the following statistical approaches:
- General statistical consulting of data and methodologies, e.g., ANOVA, power analysis, and factor analysis
- Experimental design
- Item response theory
- Time series analysis
- Longitudinal data analysis
- Generalized linear model
- Machine learning
- Text mining
- Topic modeling