The University of Notre Dame has been added to the Indiana Data Partnership (IDP), a collaboration of government, non-profit, and private sector organizations that aim to “drive positive change” in Indiana. As part of the statewide partnership, Notre Dame and IDP partners can securely share data and best practices that benefit research and other projects, components, and reports for datasets, and shares the results of research projects relevant to the goals of the IDP.
“Notre Dame’s inclusion in the IDP provides greater and more timely access to Indiana state agencies, IDP partners and data,” said Brian Fogarty, director of the Center for Social Science Research, which will manage Notre Dame’s partnership with the IDP. “This collaboration will help increase the quality and efficiency of Indiana-focused research by Notre Dame faculty and researchers.”
IDP’s current focus areas are combating the opioid epidemic and improving education and workforce development. Notre Dame faculty have and continue to conduct research projects within both areas, making the partnership mutually beneficial.
The partnership also gives Notre Dame access to shared datasets from other IDP collaborators, including the Indiana Business Research Center, Indiana University, the Polis Center, and more. Through the partnership, organizations may be able to more quickly make connections in their research and other relevant programs.
“Notre Dame researchers will be able to better collaborate with other partners on research focused on critical Indiana-wide societal problems, such as the opioid epidemic, diabetes, and workforce skills gap. This partnership promises to expand our collaborative networks, provide further access to bespoke data, and help secure new grant funding opportunities,” said Fogarty.
To learn more about the IDP, please visit https://www.in.gov/idp/.
The Center for Social Science Research, which is a part of the Center for Research Computing, is dedicated to improving the quality and efficiency of social research at the University of Notre Dame. The center offers computational services to faculty, students, and staff and offers expertise in statistical analysis, survey design and implementation, data acquisition and management, and more. To learn more about the center, please visit cssr.nd.edu.
Brandi Wampler / Research Communications Specialist
Notre Dame Research / University of Notre Dame
brandiwampler@nd.edu / 574.631.8183
research.nd.edu / @UNDResearch
The University of Notre Dame is a private research and teaching university inspired by its Catholic mission. Located in South Bend, Indiana, its researchers are advancing human understanding through research, scholarship, education, and creative endeavor in order to be a repository for knowledge and a powerful means for doing good in the world. For more information, please see research.nd.edu or @UNDResearch.
Originally published by Brandi Wampler at cssr.nd.edu on October 26, 2020.